Wallpaper can be incredibly versatile. By framing it, you're not limited to a single wall or home โ€” your wallpaper can move with you from space to space, and home to home, wherever you find yourself in the future!

There are so many wallpaper options available, so go for something unique and don't hesitate to share a pricey roll with a friend or two. Here are some ways I've used the same roll of wallpaper in multiple clients' homes: a half bath, a living space, and an office!

I've also included an image showing how you can use a wallpaper sample, usually under $40, and frame it to match the size of the wallpaper. It's one of my favorite hacks!

Tip: It's important to source and receive the wallpaper incase you are proceeding with a custom frame so you can measure the pattern repeat. This ensures that when framing, you won't cut into any important design features. Sometimes, depending on the texture and feel of the wallpaper, I chose not to use the clear acrylic on top because I want to maintain the raw wallpaper feel.

Jaipur Valencia wallpaper in the colorway Mogra | Sabyasachi

Prancing Peacocks wallpaper in colorway Salmon | Milton & King

Modern bronze metal frame |

Poster Frame with Mat

Pasted to the frame foam board with clear Gorilla Glue Company